The best music for your event in Portugal
Jazz gained strength and space as time went by, and what was initially considered a refuge and a possibility for expression among the slaves, began to be appreciated by the elite as well.
Initially, a jazz band was composed of piano, acoustic bass, trombone, drums, saxophone, voice, and clarinet, but today, any type of instrument is accepted.
Our musicians will bring the best and most famous themes that have marked the history of Jazz, from composers and performers such as: Miles Davis, Billie Holiday, John Coltrane, Sarah Vaughan, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Charlie Parker, and other great icons.
Hire the best jazz musicians now, and bring to your party all the sophistication and beauty of this musical style.
Bossa Nova
This genre was born with the attempt to "whiten" samba in Rio de Janeiro in the late 1950s.
Also under the great influence of jazz, renowned composers and interpreters appear, such as: Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, João Gilberto, Nara Leão, Johnny Alf, Elis Regina, Baden Powell, among others.
Feel the lightness of bossa nova, and get involved with this rhythm full of swing and Brazilianness with our musicians!
POP Music
This contagious style emerged in the 1950s in the USA, and was marked by big extravagant show sets and lots of dancing.
We can find in POP music romantic moments to dance with your partner, and also a lot of rhythm and strength for an atmosphere full of energy and relaxation.
Some great names in this genre are: Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, Bee Gees, The Beatles, ABBA, Billy Joel, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Madonna and many more!
Don't waste time! Hire our professional musicians now and guarantee the best entertainment and fun for your party!
This is one of the best known Brazilian rhythms all over the world!
Samba, or "samba carioca", originated in the Afro-Brazilian communities in Rio de Janeiro in the early 20th century, and originally referred to a "popular dance" or "popular ballet".
After a few years, samba brought some rhythmic, melodic, and thematic innovations, and some other styles were created, such as samba de breque, partido alto, samba de enredo, samba-canção, pagode, samba de terreiro, and bossa nova itself.
Samba uses a wide variety of percussive instruments such as the pandeiro, cuíca, ganzá, surdo, and tamborim, usually accompanied by the guitar and cavaquinho.
Some of the most established names in samba are: Noel Rosa, Ary Barroso. Adoniran Barbosa, Dona Ivone Lara, Paulinho da Viola, Jorge Aragão, Beth Carvalho, Cartola, Alcione, Martinho da Vila, Zeca Pagodinho, Bezerra da Silva and many others who still make samba one of the main symbols of national identity.
And if you are a fan of a good samba, count on our team of professional musicians, and have the best music at your party, with lots of energy and dancing!
MPB (Brazilian Popular Music)
Brazilian Popular Music emerged in the mid-1960s, with the second generation of bossa nova, and the influence of Brazilian folklore.
Movements such as the Jovem Guarda and Tropicália are part of this musical style, and diversity is one of the main characteristics of MPB.
Artists such as Milton Nascimento, Chico Buarque, Edu Lobo, Elis Regina, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa, Jorge Bem Jor, Tim Maia, Ivete Sangalo, and Marisa Monte are some of the great names in MPB, but we still have new musicians emerging and with new fusions.
Do you want a lot of diversity and contagious rhythms? You can count on our team of musicians, who will have the most lively party ever!
Instrumental Music
Initially, musical instruments were only used to accompany singing or to mark the bars of a song.
During the classical period of music and with the emergence of orchestras, instrumental music becomes more important than singing, and it was then shaped and evolved variously according to the time and culture of each country.
Today it is performed and appreciated in the most diverse forms and styles, and the combinations of instruments can vary according to the needs and tastes of each client, combining perfectly in any type of environment.
You can be sure that our professional musicians will bring you the best live music and make your party perfect!
Talk to Us
Contact: Lídia Brandão
+351 927 188 902
+351 927 188 895
We are located in the Algarve and serve all cities in Portugal and abroad as well.